Privacy Policy


At North Grenville Curling Club, we are committed to collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information responsibly and to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of such personal information.

Personal information includes information that tells us specifically who you are, such as your address, telephone number and email address. However, publicly available information, such as a public directory listing of your name, address and telephone number is not considered personal information.

We have adopted the following privacy policy that guides how we collect, use and disclose personal information about our members and prospective members.  Our intent is to balance our legitimate business interests in collecting, using and disclosing your personal information against your reasonable expectations of privacy.


In this policy:

  • “Business” means the business of operating the North Grenville Curling Club which includes the Web site;
  • “Membership” means a membership in the North Grenville Curling Club;
  • “we”, “us”, “our” and the “Club” refer to the North Grenville Curling Club, located at 200 Rueben Crescent, Kemptville, Ontario; and
  • “Web site” refers to the web site found at

Collection of Personal Information

Our primary purpose in collecting personal information from you and about you is to ensure the provision of high quality products and/or services.  We only collect personal information from and about you that we consider necessary for achieving this purpose and to permit us to conduct the Business diligently.

Use of Your Personal Information

We may use the personal information we collect from and about you to:

  • Ensure the provision of high quality products and/or services;
  • Inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, updates and events (including expiry and renewal of your Membership);
  • Enable us to contact you;
  • Establish and maintain communication with you;
  • Assist us in complying with legal and regulatory requirements;
  • Invoice you for products and/or services;
  • Collect unpaid accounts; and/or
  • Enable a corporate re-organization, a merger, or acquisition with another entity or a sale of the Business.

We may also use your personal information as may be described to you at the time of collection. We may compare and review your personal information for errors and omissions and for accuracy. If you choose to provide us with your financial information, we may use your address and financial information to bill you and to provide associated support. We may use personal information about you, in a non-personally identifiable manner, to improve our marketing and promotional efforts, to analyse Memberships, to improve our content and product offerings, and to customize your Web site’s content, layout, and services.  These uses are to enable us to improve the Business and to better tailor the Business to meet your needs.

Disclosure of Personal Information

As a matter of policy, we do not sell, rent, or lease any of your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent. However, there are a variety of circumstances where we may need to disclose some of your personal information, including the following:

  • We may disclose your personal information to an individual who, in our reasonable judgement, is seeking the information as your agent.  For example, we may provide your personal information to your legal representative if we are satisfied that the individual is requesting the information on our behalf;
  • We may disclose your personal information as may be required by law; and/or
  • We may aggregate personal information and disclose such information in a non-personally identifiable manner to advertisers and other third parties for marketing and promotional purposes.

Access, Review, Change and destruction of Your Personal Information

You may access, review and/or change the personal information we have in our files online through the secure Member Portal on the Web site and/or by submitting a written request to do so to our Privacy Information Office at the address below.  We ask that you promptly advise us of any changes to your information.

Upon your written request, we will destroy, as soon as reasonably possible and in accordance with our internal policies and applicable law, any and all personal information that we have in our files about you.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will retain in our files some personal information in order to enable us to collect any unpaid accounts and/or as may be required by law.

Other Information Collectors

Except as otherwise expressly included in this Privacy Policy, this document only addresses the collection, use and disclosure of personal information we collect from and about you.  To the extent that you disclose your personal information to other parties, different rules may apply to their collection, use or disclosure of such personal information.  Since we do not control the privacy policies of third parties, you are subject to the privacy policies of such third parties.

Protecting Your Privacy

The personal information that is retained by us is kept in a secure environment and we use reasonable procedural and technical safeguards to protect your personal information against loss, theft and unauthorized access or disclosure.  While we employ many different security techniques to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside and outside the company, we cannot ensure perfect security, particularly in relation to the Web site.

Amendments to This Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time by mailing (including regular mail and email) any amended terms to you or by posting the amended terms on the Web site or at the Club.  All amended terms shall automatically be effective five days (5) days after mailing or on the date of posting.

Privacy Information Officer, Access, Questions, or Concerns

The Club Secretary is the Privacy Information Officer for the Club.

If you wish to access, review and/or change your personal information contained in our files or if you have any questions or concerns about our privacy principles outlines above or about our practices, please contact us at:

North Grenville Curling Club

200 Rueben Crescent, P.O. Box 1436

Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0

Phone: 613-258-4100


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