Registration FAQ

Why are you only accepting online payments this season?

The quantity of work required by the treasurer, membership chair, and secretary to process each non credit or debit payment is multiple times greater as compared to online credit and debit payments. Given that last year, 69% paid by credit or debit, 28% paid by e-transfer, and 3% paid by cheque, it was decided that only online payments would be allowed. If for some reason you cannot register and make an online payment, please contact and we will be happy to help you setup an alternative form of payment.

Why is there no “Select” button for my Profile?

Usually there is text below your Profile that explains why it cannot be used for this registration. For example, you don’t meet the age or gender requirements, or perhaps you’ve already added this item to your cart previously.

How do I fix the issue when there’s no “Select” button for my Profile?

When you are at the select profile page and you do not see a “Select” button for your Profile, click the “cart” menu item at the top of the page. You will receive a popup that information is required. Do NOT click “Continue” but instead, click “Cancel”. This will take you back to your cart. From here, you can correct any issues e.g., remove the duplicate league, remove the league for which you do not qualify, etc.

What if my total doesn’t match any of the fees in the fee structure?

If your total doesn’t match any of the fees in the fee structure, compare the cost of each item in your cart with the cost of each item in the fee structure. You have most likely entered inconsistent information between some of the items in your cart e.g., you entered 1/2 season for the building fund but full season for your membership fees. Edit the item that has a different cost and correct the inconsistency.

I would like to change the information in my cart e.g., full season to 1/2 season?

If you have decided that you would like to change information in your cart, be aware that you will have to click “edit” for each item in your cart. Make the same changes for each item in your cart. As long as your order has not been submitted, your fees will be updated in your cart.

How can I add another league after I have already paid for my order?

Login to Curling I/O using the same email that was used to place the original order. Add the additional league(s) to your cart. When prompted, select the same Profile that was used for the original order. The system will recalculate your fees and only charge you for the additional leagues.

How do I change information for my registered leagues after I have placed an order?

Any information changes made after an order is placed will not be used to recalculate your fees e.g., changing from 1/2 season to full season. To fix this issue, your order will need to be refunded and you will need to redo your order with the correct information. Please contact with details of what needs to be changed.

What is the age cutoff date for leagues and discounts?

The curling season is defined as July 1st to June 30th. Therefore, the age used to calculate league eligibility and/or discounts is June 30th.

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