

  • we are using for registration (we are no longer using Curling Club Manager)
  • fees have only increased marginally as compared to last year
  • payments will be accepted online only (if you cannot pay online, please contact
  • 2 new membership types – 1 league only (similar to last year’s Thursday evening competitive league but for any single league) and sparing only
  • Tuesday/Thursday morning drop-in leagues have been combined (considered as 1 league, can play either Tuesday or Thursday or both)
  • the Monday evening scotch doubles league is now a “fixed team open recreational league”


The North Grenville Curling Club has decided to change the system used for registration. The system will be used going forward for league registration, bonspiels, and events. It is used by many worldwide clubs as well as the system of choice for Curling Canada (if you have curled in provincial or national events, you most likely have already used the system).

The system is very much like an online shopping store. In order to register for your leagues, you add them to your cart. Once that you have added all of your desired leagues to your cart, you checkout. You will be required to login and create a curler profile (if you have not already done so) before you will be allowed to checkout. Also, additional fees may be added to your cart. has provided a video highlighting the important steps in the registration process that can be viewed here.

In previous years, your registration fees granted you access to all leagues i.e., you could curl in as many leagues as desired (assuming the league was not full). The one exception was the Thursday evening competitive league which allowed you to curl in this single league for a discount in membership fees. For this curling season, a new membership type is being introduced which allows you to curl in any single league.

When you register with, your signup fees will be broken down into a membership fee, a building fee, a Curling Canada fee (you will only be required to pay these fees once per curling season),as well as one or more league fees. The total fees are inline with those paid in previous years i.e., the one league fee is comparable to the Thursday evening competitive league fees paid last year, and the multi-league fees are comparable to the regular membership fees paid last year. Discounts are still provided for 1/2 season, seniors, and full time students. You will only be charged for the first 2 leagues for which you register i.e., the 3rd and additional leagues are free – the discount is applied in your cart. For a detailed breakdown of membership fees, see the fee structure section below.


Ready to register?

Fee structure

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