About our Fees
- Membership fees are set annually by the NGCC Board of Directors.
- Age is determined using July 1 each year.
- All Adult and Senior Members are required to pay the annual Building Levy. The annual levy supports the maintaince of the culrling club in accordance with the lease agreement with the Municipality of North Grenville.
- Members who do not pay their fees by the registration cutoff date are subject to a $25 late fee.
At the Club
- To keep our carpets clean, please remove outdoor shoes in the lobby. You can bring slippers or ‘inside’ shoes and store them on the shelves in the lobby.
- The club is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Do not leave valuables in the changing rooms.
- Alcoholic beverages can be consumed in the lounge or in the banquet hall upstairs.
- The facility is locked when not in use. Selected individuals have signed an agreement to obtain access keys and codes for the security system.
On the Ice
- All curlers must wear clean shoes on the ice. Curling shoes are recommended, but purpose-dedicated running shoes clear of any dirt or grime may be worn.
- All curlers must clean their shoes as they enter the ice rink. If you leave the ice rink, please re-clean your shoes before stepping on the ice.
- All curlers must sweep with a clean broom. Please clean your broom between ends with the brushes located within the ice rink.
- Adults must not use the NGCC brooms provided for the Youth Programs. These brooms are not designed for adult use.
- Alcoholic drinks are not allowed in the ice rink during games, for your safety. Water and non-alcoholic drinks may be consumed in the ice rink.
- NGCC brooms and a few sliders are provided for members. When you are finished, please return the equipment to its original location.
- Our leagues follow the Rules of Curling for General Play from Curling Canada.
- Grippers should be replaced when the rubber starts to wear down.
- The next player should get ready in the hack after the opposing team has delivered their rock, to keep the game moving in the allotted time.
- Protective headgear is encouraged, especially for children and youth. Talk to the Pro Shop to learn about the options.
- You may choose to wear a gripper on one or both feet. Grippers can be purchased from the Pro Shop.
- Wear layered clothing to stay comfortable throughout the game.
- Wear mitts or gloves to keep your hands warm between shots.
About your League
- Each league is run by a Volunteer Convenor.
- Most leagues play eight-end games.
- Day leagues have various start times. Refer to the description of the league.
- Evening leagues typically start their games at 6:30 and 8:45.
- Contact your Convenor if you have any other questions.
Ammonia Leak Response Plan
NGCC uses an ammonia chiller as part of its ice plant. Ammonia is the most used refrigerant in ice rinks throughout North America.
The Ammonia Leak Response Plan is intended to create awareness of the risks of ammonia within our facility, and outlines the NGCC procedures in the event of an alarm on the ammonia system, as well as the separate mechanical equipment alarm.
This system is inspected annually by a third party having jurisdiction over refrigeration systems in the province of Ontario. The alarm system is also calibrated and inspected annually ahead of our season starting.